This awesome heather grey sweatshirt features the basic Corona logo printed on the front chest, and their very cool Ocean Crest logo printed across the back. High quality craftmanship including a large front pocket, banded waist and wrists, and a drawstring hood.
Question by Johnny: If I take a woman on a boat and into the ocean, willingly, and I say 'sex or swim', is it rape?
If a girl willingly gets on my boat and we go far into the ocean, and I tell her to have sex with me or get off my boat into the middle of the ocean, would that be rape, since the only other option was to swim back home?
Best answer:
Answer by Dull Jon I hope you drown before you ever get to try this but yes, you'd be arrested.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Tennis Surivor: Sri Lanka-Day 7 (Double Elimination Drama!)?
By a vote of 5-3-1, Kim Clijsters has been voted off of Sri Lanka.
Its been a week now and all seems to be well in Sri Lanka. Agnes Szavay just discovered a cave, so now they have better protection from the rain and other nature. Now that Clijsters is gone, Kimiko is back alone again since at the last Tribal Council Dementieva "ended it" with her. Krumm has joined Baghdatis, who has been going solo for a few days.
Elena Dementieva and Kei Nishikori made a sex hut, which they are always in. Its no secret that they're having an affair because Kei was caught rubbing her thigh while they were eating dinner. Everyone is cool with it except for Szavay, who tries to join in. She is rejected.
Marcos Baghdatis starts arguing with Belluci because Belluci took half of the whale's ribs all for himself and hid them in another chamber found in the cave. Nadal jumps in on Belluci's side and throws Baghdatis's necklace into a bottomless pit. Then Kimiko jumps in and starts arguing, but Nadal starts cursing at her and Belluci is taunting her. Marcos Baghdatis brings out the hidden Immunity Idol, which he has found, and shows it to Nadal, who has the plague idol.
Szavay is all alone, but Paul-Henri Mathieu's ghost appears to comfort her. They talk for a few hours before Szavay comes to her senses. She forms an alliance with Novak Djokovic, who pair up with Baghdatis and Kimiko temprorarily to eradicate Nadal and Belluci.
Remaining Members: Members of Tribe Sarvjarz Thomaz Belluci Rafael Nadal XX Elena Dementieva Kimiko-Date Krumm (--) Agnes Szavay Marcos Baghdatis (***) Kei Nishikori Novak Djokovic
Note: (--) = Immunity Idol, therefore the holder may not be eliminated XX = Plague Holder, that player has 1 automatic vote against them. (***) = Hidden immunity idol (there are 2). The contestant with this idol may be voted against. If he/she has the most votes, then the contestant with the 2nd most votes is eliminated.
^^^-This is a DOUBLE elimination so vote for TWO MEMBERS to be eliminated. Other Question for you to answer:
There are other questions roaming around in this section that add some zest.
David's "Survivor: Heroes vs Villains "includes us members from the tennis section.
Take a look at those questions, you wont be dissappointed!
Best answer:
Answer by Florial What's going on here lol. Affairs, ghosts ...All of that has happened in one week? too much excitement hehe :D Belluci..He ate a lot, it's not fair !! Kei Nishikori
some girls and boys spread their sex videos over mobile phones. is this fashion permissable?
in my country some teenagers show their sex on mobile phones. Many people enjoy seeing that but the public opinion is that such things are forbidden and that should be stopped and punished. Your opinion?
Best answer:
Answer by marialeiva Not exactly punished, but at least dont make them public. That has got to be a private matter.
This collection of Isadora Alman's favorite sex tips, suggestions, anecdotes from her web site, and responses to her column "Ask Isadora" talks about how to enhance sexual happiness. Whether someone is in a relationship, or looking to be in one, her advice is inclusive of everyone, no matter the sexual orientation or commitment quotient.